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Sunday, 20 December 2015 03:55

Building Your Vision Featured

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A vision is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom. If you don’t have a clear vision, no strategy will save you. In the absence of a clear strategic direction, you will always do what you think is right and this won’t always give you the best results you anticipate.

In order to achieve your vision you need to stay focused and motivated.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, motivation is a force or influence that causes someone to do something. You need imagination or wisdom to create your vision. Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the five senses. Wisdom is the “ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding. Wisdom is defined as “The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.”

A vision can be used in two different ways: inspiration and prediction. It is first used to inspire you in reaching something that you want. It is also used in prediction for changes in the future and interests you have. A vision might be the most powerful way to keep your focus on what you want in life while keeping you motivated in achieving it. A vision will open up your mind to many possibilities and a brighter and bigger future. When you can envision a future that is better, happier, more productive, you are more likely to make the changes that are necessary for you to reach that type of life.

A vision is a strong force in anyone’s life, but a vision is essential in business and your personal life. It is a target in which a leader focuses on resources and energy. The continual presence of a vision helps to motivate against forces of resistance: failure, emotional hardships (negative feedback) and real hardships (issues in the company, issues in your life). When a vision is spread through a company, it pushes both the leaders and employees toward the same goals together rather than separately. Visions can successfully turn a corporate hierarchy into a harmonious and well-organised group. It is the same with a family that share and have a common vision. The family becomes organised and see each other as a team. They become a unit that is harmonious and nothing can break them.

Many times in a family the vision comes from the head of the family and in most cases, not in all cases this could be the husband, the father and the daddy. A vision of a leader can be spread to others with proper communication. It can be discussed and perfected by all of those who have invested in it and believe in it. A vision is the glue that holds together individuals of a group with the same goal. A family to survive must have the same goal.

Your vision should include who you want to be. It is important to know clearly who you are right now to know who you want to become. This includes your habits, attitudes, and points of view. The first step in creating a vision is to know exactly what you want. If you have a hard time creating a vision, reading history can help you see past changes and what changes you might like for yourself. Ask yourself where you want to see yourself in so many years. Do you want to be healthy? Wealthy? Tell yourself, specifically how you picture your life. Anything is possible within a vision. When you build your vision, dream big.

You will know when your vision is successful as you will begin to feel very passionate about it. The only way to be successful in your vision is to visualise it and set goals and a plan of action to reach your vision. Over time, you will begin to see more parts of your vision coming true until one day you see yourself living your vision. A vision is the capability to see beyond your current reality, creating and inventing what does not now exist and becoming what you are not right now. A vision is important in all aspects of life; physical, emotional, corporately. Building your vision does not have to be difficult as long as you know exactly what it is you see for yourself in the future.

The one trait that all successful, fulfilled people cultivate—be they great writers, teachers, artists, parents, politicians or athletes—is a passion and enthusiasm for life. We all need a compelling vision for our lives: one so powerful that we are driven to do whatever it takes to achieve it. When we pursue something greater than the current moment, we find fulfilment and joy. The ultimate vision flows from knowing we have a special and unique purpose on this planet. So, how do you create this ultimate vision?

What do you want to create in your life? If all of a sudden you had the energy again like you were a little kid and the journey had just begun, what would you be excited to tackle? What would get you up early and keep you up late at night? What would your life be about? What does that vision look like? If you had no fear about moving forward, what would you do in your life? What challenges might you be excited to overcome? What do you want to contribute to your own life and the lives of others? What do you want to give, create, be, feel or share?

Your vision will provide a consistent focus, continually reminding you what it is you are committed to creating in your life, career or business. Your vision should provide some detail about what measurable results you are going to achieve in your life. This yardstick will help you assess where you are versus where you want to be. Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have.  Creating a compelling vision of the life you want is actually one of the most effective strategies for achieving the life of your dreams. Perhaps the best way to look at the concept of a life vision is as a compass to help guide you to take the best actions and make the right choices that help propel you toward your best life.

Don’t be discouraged if you cannot put your vision down at the very beginning. Don’t expect a clear and well-defined vision overnight—envisioning your life and determining the course you will follow requires time, and reflection. You need to cultivate vision and perspective, and you also need to apply logic and planning for the practical application of your vision. Your best vision blossoms from your dreams, hopes, and aspirations. It will resonate with your values and ideals, and will generate energy and enthusiasm to help strengthen your commitment to explore the possibilities of your life.

When building your vision you need to describe your ideal life in detail. Allow yourself to dream and imagine, and create a vivid picture. If you can’t visualise a picture, focus on how your best life would feel. If you find it difficult to envision your life twenty or thirty years from now, start with five years—even a few years into the future will give you a place to start. What you see may surprise you. Set aside preconceived notions. This is your chance to dream and fantasise.

Important things to remember when creating a vision:

1.    Know exactly who you are.
2.    Brainstorm, imagine and dream.
3.    Focus on things that give your life purpose and meaning.
4.    Do not put limits on your dreams.

Where there is no vision, the people perish.


  • Comment Link Jamesunops Wednesday, 23 October 2024 16:19 posted by Jamesunops

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  • Comment Link IDreag Wednesday, 23 October 2024 04:21 posted by IDreag

    После моего обращения в компанию "Вершина" для проведения экспертизы, я был впечатлен уровнем профессионализма, с которым сотрудники компании подошли к моему делу. У меня была задача получить независимую экспертизу для юридического процесса, и специалисты "Вершины" помогли с точной оценкой. Они предложили комплексное решение, начиная с консультации и заканчивая подробным отчетом, который был оформлен с учетом всех юридических нюансов.
    Компания предоставляет широкий спектр услуг, от автотехнической экспертизы до оценки недвижимости, что делает их универсальными специалистами для различных ситуаций. Эксперты сразу произвели впечатление высококвалифицированных специалистов с глубоким знанием своей области. С первого контакта они четко и доступно объяснили, как будет строиться работа, какие документы необходимы и какие результаты можно ожидать. Они всегда держали меня в курсе о каждом этапе выполнения задачи, что обеспечивало полную прозрачность процесса.
    Особое внимание привлекла их тщательность и внимание к деталям. Экспертный отчет был подготовлен с учетом всех деталей моего дела и оказался ключевым доказательством в суде, что значительно облегчило защиту моей позиции. Важным аспектом стала их готовность дать разъяснения по каждому пункту отчета, что также помогло мне лучше понять технические моменты и возможные риски.
    Впечатлило также и отношение сотрудников компании к клиентам: все взаимодействия происходили в атмосфере вежливости и оперативности. Я чувствовал, что моя задача была их приоритетом, что добавило уверенности в правильности выбора компании. Благодаря их профессионализму и ответственному подходу я смог получить точный, объективный и детализированный отчет, который удовлетворил все мои ожидания и даже превзошел их.
    В итоге, сотрудничество с компанией "Вершина" было для меня крайне положительным опытом, и я без сомнений рекомендую их всем, кому требуется качественная экспертиза или оценка.
    Вершина: Независимая оценка, экспертиза и судебная экспертиза

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