A virtuous and worthy wife [earnest and strong in character] is a crowning joy to her husband, but she who makes him ashamed is as rottenness in his bones. I will be useful to my husband. I will be strong in my character.
Proverbs 12:4 AMP

The heart of my husband trusts in me confidently and relies on and believes in me securely, so that he has no lack of [honest] gain or need of [dishonest] spoil. I comfort, encourage, and I do him only good as long as there is life within me.
Proverbs 31:11, 12 AMP

My children rise up and call me blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied); and my husband boasts of and praises me, [saying], I excel the many daughters that have done virtuously, nobly, and well with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness.
Psalm 31:28 AMP

My husband will not deprive me his wife of sexual intimacy no matter the circumstance and I too will not deprive him of sexual intimacy
1 Corinthians 7:3

1 Corinthians 7:10 says “A wife should not leave her husband”. What God has joined together not even hardship, poverty or lack can put asunder so today I declare that my husband will be lifted financially, and favoured in all dimension because I am a carrier of divine favour and he is a partaker of this favour.
1 Corinthians 7:10, Proverbs 18:22

For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. I will summit to my head because he is my saviour.
Ephesians 5:23

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. I will reverence and honour my husband.
Ephesians 5:33

The life of my husband is just and honest; he has integrity so his life cannot be spoken against. He is faithful to me. He has self control. He lives wisely and has a very good reputation. He enjoys having guest in our house and he is a good teacher. My husband is not a drunkard, he is not violent but soft and gentle and very decisive. He is peace loving and not a lover of money. He respects and understands me. I will give him all the support that he needs.
1 Timothy 3:2-5

I will forever be faithful and truthful to my husband because I have virtues and the fear of the Lord
Proverbs 31

It is not good for my husband to be alone, so God made me a perfect companion for him so I have to improve my life and manner to be that companion that was meant for my husband.
Genesis 2:18

My husband has given the authority of his body to me for he is the head of the body and I am the body. Without the head the body can not function and where the head is available it nourishes the body. I will support the head and the head will think and produce good results that will nourish me, the body.
1 Corinthians 7:4

I will summit to my husband as unto the Lord because God has ordained him a head over me and it is the will of God that I summit to him and love him for when I love him, he will love me back and never treat me harshly.
Colossians 3:19

I accept the authority of my husband for he gives honour to me his wife.
1 Peter 3:1, 7

The man who finds a wife has found a treasure and receives favour from the Lord. I am a wife; I am a treasure that was found by my husband. With this it is mandatory that he receives divine favour and treasure. Favour I command you now to fill the life of my husband. This is a covenant he has with the Lord for he has fulfilled his part by finding me. I command you Favour and Treasure to locate every aspect of my husband’s life for he will be blessed in the city and in the filed; he will be blessed in business and in his work; whatever he lays his hands upon will be blessed! This is my blessed heritage as a daughter of Zion.
Proverbs 18:22

I am a capable, intelligent, and vitreous woman. I am more precious than jewels and my value is far above rubies or peals. My husbands heart trust me confidently and relies on and believes in me securely, so that I have no lack of honest gain or need of dishonest spoil.

I comfort, encourage and do my husband only good as long as he lives. I seek out wool and flax and works with willing hands to develop it. I am like the merchant ships loaded with food stuff’s; she brings my household’s food from a far country.

I rise up while it is still night and gets Spiritual food for the house hold and assigns our children their tasks.
I consider a new field before I buy or accept it, expanding prudently and not courting neglect of my present duties by assuming other duties; with my savings of time and strength I plant fruitful vines in our vineyard.

I gird myself with Spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for my God-given task and my hands are made strong and firm
Proverbs 31:10-17

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