Let the brain chemicals of serotonin, noradrenaline, norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine and all chemicals produced by the brain be correctly balanced. Let every deficiency be filled and every oversecretion is reduced to just the right levels. Let there be no overproduction of cortisol. Let every amino acid neurotransmitter function with perfect wholeness and soundness as it is in Jesus Christ.

Let every gene that has carried defective or mutated DNA that would perpetuate weakness, compromised health, mental instability or that which carries the result of a curse be healed at the cellular level. Infuse every cell, every gene, every strand of DNA with the DNA and healing of Jesus Christ.

Let every curse be broken. Dear God you did not give me a DNA that would carry a curse. It came from the evil one, and I command every curse to be eradicated from my life and the life of my family (wife, husband, children, siblings, mother, father, aunties, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc). I pray that any damage to the brain itself, the neurotransmitters, and the centres for impulse control in the cerebral cortex be healed now in Jesus name.

Let there be light in every darkened area of the brain. I declare the amino acid and peptide neurotransmitters be rewired to function in perfect health and send the proper amounts of chemicals to regulate impulse control, stress management, peace, pleasure, and pain management in perfect balance. Let the acetylcholine functions be healed and restored to perfect health. Let the chemical agents and the communication messengers between brain cells function in perfect harmony, balance, and soundness in every cell.

Let all things in the molecular structure that affect mood, anxiety, appetite, sleep, temperature, heart rate, self-control, discernment, impulse control, aggression, fear, stress management and other physical and psychological appetites, desires and occurrences be healed and restored to the perfect wholeness that exists in Jesus Christ.

Let all areas that have been damaged, those areas that are genetically unsound, weak, impaired or afflicted be healed, for it is written, “Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement for our peace was upon him, and by his stripes, we are healed,” in Isaiah. 53:4, 5.

Lord Jesus, you told me as a disciple to lay hands on the sick and they would recover, (Mark 16:18). You said in John 14:7 and again in John 14:16 that if I abide in you, I can ask whatever I desire in your name and your Father would do it because it would bring glory to your name. So I ask that those I have prayed for including myself, will be healed in the cellular, molecular level of their genes, in their DNA, and that anything that resides there that is not of your placement, nor your will for that person, would be supernaturally removed, replaced with your fullness and restored to perfect health right now. I command illness and disease to be removed and for their body and my body to be healed in the name and authority of Jesus Christ.

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