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Identifying Your Core Values. Part 4

Identifying Your Core Values. Part 4

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The Sure Word for Today's Daily Devotion

"The Abundance of the Free Favour of the Lord." Luke 4:18-19

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Identifying Your Core Values.

 Author: Jefferson O Imgbi

Date: Wednesday, 24 July 2024


Key Bible Verse: "Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good."Romans 7:12

Affirmation: "I honour my core values, for they are the foundation of my integrity and guide me in living a holy, just, and good life."

Series Title: Identifying Your Core Values. Part 4

The Sure Word for Today

Today, we are exploring "Prioritising Core Values in Daily Life." To live by your core values daily, you must consistently reflect on and reaffirm these values. Start your day with prayer, asking God to guide your actions and decisions. Practical strategies include setting daily reminders of your values, journaling your experiences, and making conscious choices that align with your beliefs. Living by your core values helps you stay true to your faith and navigate life's challenges with integrity and purpose.

Consider Joseph, whose life exemplifies prioritising core values. Despite facing betrayal and imprisonment, Joseph remained steadfast in his integrity and faith in God. His refusal to compromise his values, even when tempted by Potiphar's wife, showcases the importance of living by your principles. Joseph's commitment to his core values ultimately led to his rise as a leader in Egypt, demonstrating how God honours those who stay true to their convictions.

Incorporating biblical advice into your daily life involves seeking wisdom from the scriptures. Proverbs 4:23 advises, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." This means guarding your heart and ensuring your values are rooted in God's word. Regularly meditate on scripture, seek counsel from godly mentors, and engage in community worship. By doing so, you strengthen your resolve to live out your values, making decisions that reflect your commitment to God's principles.

Click Here for the Audio and Video of this series


Aligning my daily actions with my core values has brought clarity and peace to my life. When I prioritise my values, I find that my decisions are more aligned with God's will, bringing me closer to Him.


In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." This reminds us to prioritise God's principles in our lives, ensuring that our core values align with His righteousness.

Reflection And Application

Reflect on how you can prioritise your core values in your daily routine. Are there areas where you struggle to live out these values? Ask God for guidance and strength to make decisions that align with your beliefs, and trust that He will honour your commitment.

Inspirational Quote by Jefferson O Imgbi

"Living by your core values daily brings clarity, peace, and alignment with your true purpose. Let your values guide your every decision and action."

Inspirational Quote Video and Audio

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, I seek Your guidance in prioritising my core values every day. Help me to live by the principles You've set forth in Your word. Strengthen me to make decisions that reflect my commitment to You, even in challenging situations. Like Joseph, let my integrity and faithfulness shine through in all I do. Fill my heart with Your wisdom and guide my steps so that I may honour You in every aspect of my life. Thank You for being my constant guide and support. In Jesus' name, Amen.


All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the HOLY BIBLE unless otherwise indicated.

‘The Sure Word for Today’ is a publication of ‘The Sure Foundation Transcend Ministries,’ registered in the United Kingdom.

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