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Speaking About Mental Illness. Part 6

Speaking About Mental Illness. Part 6

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The Sure Word for Today's Daily Devotion

"The Abundance of the Free Favour of the Lord." Luke 4:18-19

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Speaking About Mental Illness.

Author: Jefferson O Imgbi

Date: Friday, 11 October 2024

Key Bible Verse: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."     
— Proverbs 18:21

Affirmation: "I embrace my voice, speaking truth to my struggles and finding strength in every word." 

Series Title: Speaking About Mental Illness. Part 6

The Sure Word for Today

There is healing power in expressing your mental health struggles. When you choose to open up, it releases the burdens you've carried in silence, allowing room for healing. Proverbs 12:25 says, "Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad." Sharing your experiences provides an emotional release and invites others to offer support, love, and understanding. Expression is the beginning of transformation and recovery as you no longer walk alone in silence.

David, in the Psalms, repeatedly expressed his fears, anxieties, and feelings of despair to God. In Psalm 142, he cried out, "I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble." By expressing his pain, David found strength and comfort in the Lord. His honesty allowed him to experience God's healing and peace, showing that speaking your truth is the first step toward restoration. Like David, your voice can become the key to unlocking the healing process.

The act of expression also encourages others to share their struggles, creating an environment where healing thrives. Your willingness to communicate your pain helps break down walls of stigma and silence. This act of vulnerability paves the way for others to embrace their journeys toward recovery, knowing they are not alone. Healing comes not only from within but through the community you build by speaking out.

Click Here for the Audio and Video of this series


When I spoke about my emotional struggles, I felt lighter and more understood. You might discover that the moment you express your feelings, healing begins. Your voice is a powerful tool to unlock that transformation.


James 5:16 reminds you to "confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed." Healing comes when you speak out and allow others to journey alongside you in prayer and support.

Reflection And Application

Think about a time you held back your feelings. Consider how your healing could have been faster if you had spoken out. Today, choose to open up to someone who can offer support and guidance.

Inspirational Quote by Jefferson O Imgbi

"Healing begins the moment you express your pain. Your voice holds the power to unlock the path to recovery, turning your silence into strength."

Inspirational Quote Video and Audio

Let Us Pray

Dear Lord, I come to You today with my struggles, knowing that You hear me when I cry out. Please give me the courage to express my pain, knowing that healing comes through honesty and openness. Please help me to share my journey with those who can uplift and support me. As I speak, let my words bring comfort to others and create an atmosphere of healing and restoration. Please guide me in using my voice to transform my life and the lives of those around me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the HOLY BIBLE unless otherwise indicated.

‘The Sure Word for Today’ is a publication of ‘The Sure Foundation Transcend Ministries,’ registered in the United Kingdom.

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