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Speaking About Mental Illness. Part 7

Speaking About Mental Illness. Part 7

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The Sure Word for Today's Daily Devotion

"The Abundance of the Free Favour of the Lord." Luke 4:18-19

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Speaking About Mental Illness.

Author: Jefferson O Imgbi

Date: Saturday, 12 October 2024

Key Bible Verse: "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."     
— Proverbs 18:21

Affirmation: "I embrace my voice, speaking truth to my struggles and finding strength in every word.

Series Title: Speaking About Mental Illness. Part 7

The Sure Word for Today

Finding your voice is a powerful step in moving from darkness to light, especially in your mental health journey. Speaking up about your struggles brings light to the darkest corners of your mind. John 1:5 says, "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." By sharing your pain and expressing your needs, you allow the light of healing to shine through. Your words bring clarity, hope, and a sense of release.

The woman with the issue of blood, recorded in Mark 5:25-34, found healing not just by touching Jesus' garment but by speaking up. After she was healed, Jesus asked who touched Him, and she bravely came forward and shared her story. Her voice brought her peace and confirmed her healing. Like her, when you find the courage to express your suffering, it sets the stage for transformation and restoration.

Your voice is the bridge from darkness to light. It helps you move beyond the burden of silence and isolation. By opening up, you connect with others who can offer support, comfort, and wisdom. This act of speaking up doesn't just heal you—it brings hope to those around you. Your story, once hidden in the dark, becomes a beacon of light for others.

Click Here for the Audio and Video of this series


When I spoke up about my struggles, I felt the weight lift from my shoulders. You might discover that by finding your voice, you open the door to healing, understanding, and a renewed sense of hope.


Psalm 34:17 reminds you that "The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles." Speaking up invites God's light into your situation, offering healing and deliverance.

Reflection And Application

Consider how long you've been silent about your struggles. Think about how speaking up can bring healing to your life. Today, find a safe space to express your thoughts and move from darkness into the light.

Inspirational Quote by Jefferson O Imgbi

“Your voice is the light that shatters the darkness in your mind. Speak up, and you will find healing and freedom.”

Inspirational Quote Video and Audio

Let Us Pray

Dear Lord, I ask for the courage to speak up about my struggles. You know the darkness I face, but I believe that Your light can shine through as I express my pain. Please help me find a safe space to share my journey and surround me with those who can offer support. Let my words bring healing not just to myself but also to those who hear them. May my voice become a source of light and hope to others. In Jesus' name, Amen.


All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the HOLY BIBLE unless otherwise indicated.

‘The Sure Word for Today’ is a publication of ‘The Sure Foundation Transcend Ministries,’ registered in the United Kingdom.

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