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Shedding Light on Anxiety Disorders. Part 7

Shedding Light on Anxiety Disorders. Part 7

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The Sure Word for Today's Daily Devotion

"The Abundance of the Free Favour of the Lord." Luke 4:18-19

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Shedding Light on Anxiety Disorders.

Author: Jefferson O Imgbi

Date: Saturday, 19 October 2024

Key Bible Verse: "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."     
— Psalm 55:22 

Affirmation: "I am free from the burden of anxiety as I cast my cares on God, who sustains me." 

Series Title: Shedding Light on Anxiety Disorders. Part 7

The Sure Word for Today

Victory over anxiety is not a battle won by human strength but by surrendering your worries to God. Just as David found peace in God while facing Goliath, you can overcome anxiety by trusting in the One who holds all things together. Anxiety may seem like a giant, but God's peace surpasses all understanding. When you cast your burdens on Him, you experience the calm that comes from knowing that He is in control and no storm can shake His hand over your life.

David's victory wasn't in his ability but in his faith in God's power. Anxiety often tries to magnify the obstacles in front of you, but like David, you can shift your focus to the greatness of God. As you lean on Him, the weight of your anxieties becomes lighter. Each step toward surrender is a step toward victory. Your anxiety doesn't define you—God's strength does. With Him, you are more than a conqueror, able to walk in freedom.

When you surrender your anxiety to God, you open yourself up to His peace, which brings true victory. Victory doesn't always mean the absence of struggle, but it means finding peace in the midst of it. David's heart rested in God despite the challenges ahead, and your heart can do the same. Trust Him to fight the battle for you, and you will see anxiety fall, just as Goliath fell before David's faith.

Click Here for the Audio and Video of this series


I have faced moments where anxiety seemed like a giant, but just like David, I have learned to trust in God’s strength rather than my own. When I shifted my focus to God, I found the victory I was longing for.


Philippians 4:6-7 encourages you not to be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, to make your requests known to God. His peace will guard your heart and mind, even in the midst of anxiety.

Reflection And Application

Are you ready to surrender your anxieties to God? Reflect on the areas in your life where anxiety has taken hold and choose to trust God with those worries today. He promises to bring peace when you lay your burdens before Him.

Inspirational Quote by Jefferson O Imgbi

"True victory over anxiety comes when you stop fighting alone and start trusting in the strength that never fails."

Inspirational Quote Video and Audio

Let Us Pray

Heavenly Father, I thank You for being my refuge in times of trouble. I ask for Your strength today as I surrender my anxieties into Your hands. Help me to trust You completely and not rely on my understanding. Just as David trusted You and found victory, I pray that I will find peace in Your presence. Give me the courage to face each day, knowing that You are fighting my battles. Fill my heart with Your calming peace, and let me rest in Your unfailing love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the HOLY BIBLE unless otherwise indicated.

‘The Sure Word for Today’ is a publication of ‘The Sure Foundation Transcend Ministries,’ registered in the United Kingdom.

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