Sunday, 07 February 2021 04:54

Developing Your Skill Set — Part 2 Featured

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Skillset is a set of skills. We are not talking about one skill. The skillset is an assemblage of skills and abilities applied to a professional or creative endeavour. It is the combination of different skills you have and use in a particular job. The job here can imply professional and your lifestyle. Your

skill needs to match the business need. Employers look for candidates with skills that will match the role and complement the team.

A skillset is the abilities, knowledge, and experience needed to perform a job or complete a task. It is required to function as a person. Specialised skill set areas can include human relations, research and planning, accounting, leadership, management, and computer skills. A skillset is the mixture of knowledge, personal qualities, and abilities that you have developed through your life and work. It usually combines two types of skills: soft skills and hard skills.

Some professional skill set includes Commercial awareness (or business acumen), Communication, Teamwork, Negotiation and persuasion, Problem-solving, Leadership, Organisation, Perseverance and motivation, ability to work under pressure, Confidence, self-believe, resilience, patience, Managing ambiguity, Analytical skills, Enterprise and entrepreneurial skills, I.T. skills, Digital Savviness, etc.

Some different types of skill sets include the following:

Soft skills. These are people-related, interpersonal or adaptive skills, which can be everyday, practical skills. They illustrate how you work with other people and emphasise your persona. Many soft skills relate to emotional intelligence, and they include communication skills,  critical thinking, and conflict resolution, among others. During an in-person job interview, you can demonstrate your soft skills.

Hard skills. You learn hard skills, and you can measure them. They connect to how you perform in specific jobs. Hard skills can include data analysis, business analysis, and computer programming. You can learn hard skills while you're on the job or through personal practice — self-trained.

Hybrid skills. These are a blend of hard and soft skills. Many employers require individuals to have both to succeed. An example of a hybrid skill is customer service. While you need to have exceptional soft skills such as conflict resolution and communication, you might also be required to be proficient with spreadsheets or a specific customer service management system.

Technical skills. This set of skills comprises any hard skills relating to technology. It could also include skills like project management or technical writing. As companies count more and more on computers and networks, technical skills have turn out to be increasingly common among all careers.

Transferable skills. These are skills that you can use in many different fields. They could either be hard or soft skills, like typing or problem-solving.

Job-specific skills. These are skills related to a particular position. For example, a hairstylist's job-specific skills would include hair colouring and cutting techniques.

You must recognise and appreciate what you consider to be your skills, abilities and personal qualities. Only when you do this can you confidently demonstrate these on your CV and market yourself virtually to potential employers.

An added advantage of assessing yourself is that you will be able to identify your weaknesses and plan to improve and upgrade them.

Communicating your work experience and knowledge to an employer and matching their requirements is vital for successful job hunting. Using a little time and effort to assess yourself, it will be easier later to compare and demonstrate your abilities to recruiters' needs.

Apart from being your judge, the best way to identify your skillset is by consulting your managers, colleagues, teachers, professors, friends, business contacts, career coaches, etc. Help them understand what you seek, and the feedback you receive may help you find out skills you never knew you have.

Skills could come naturally to you or through involvement, experience or training that you are good at doing. Having the right skills can help you get the job you want. Getting the position of your desire requires your practice and having the right skills for the job. If you have the right skills, you can help you get the job you want.

You must standoff by creating a list of what you consider you are good at. You can do this by reviewing your current and previous jobs, and listing specific vocation skills you have achieved, put them under different topics headings.

List all your achievement to date, and recognise the areas you are brilliant. Let your light shine and lit the place. Think only of the things that will build a group report.

Make a detailed list of all the entire training and qualifications you have gained.  Through academic qualifications, you can demonstrate your abilities and the asset you have so they can help you when applying for jobs.

There is a significant benefit when you develop your skills through further training. Here is a list:

Your employment opportunities will Increase
Without question, training provides increased employment opportunities. Today, even entry-level roles in many businesses require a base level qualifications. Your employment opportunities become more expansive when you complete a training course.

Your career development opportunities will Increase
Many people desire to develop a career in a chosen field of their choice. You can enhance the opportunity to build your skills when you train.

Personal growth
Training does not only provides you with the skills in a particular area; it also builds your networking, communication, time management, and your ability to negotiate effectively.

Increase your knowledge and understanding of your industry
You develop yourself further through training, coaching, mentoring, and you become an icon in your industry. Your level of knowledge and understanding will make you an expert and will enhance your skills to grow.

It is essential to develop your skills and also develop a new skill set. Here are some tips on how to create new skill sets:

You must set Goals For Yourself. The benefits of developing a specific goal or goals to improve your career are enormous. It will help you to stay on track with your development. The goals you are listing must be S.M.A.R.T, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Find A Mentor. The need to have a mentor is essential, and it gives you access to the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of the mentor.

About Strength and Weakness, Seek Feedback. You can ask your superiors or managers, your colleagues, friends, or family about your strengths and areas for improvement. Feedback gives you honest critiques rather than automatic praise. You develop your skills further to overcome your weakness.

Enrol In An Online Training Program. Enrol in programs like Robust Digital Expert Virtual Mentoring Academy. This course will also provide you with an Internship for remote work experience.

Participate In Job Shadowing. Job shadowing is a great way to learn more about another profession's day-to-day responsibilities and learn new skills.

Your skills can be an asset or a liability. Developing your skillset will make it a valuable asset. The essential skill you can develop is the ability to make a wise choice. You must strive not to be just successful without adding value. Don't go through life without growing through life. Always keep doing the best you can until you know better.


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