Sunday, 07 August 2022 05:57

Overcoming Pain Featured

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Chronic pain can be extremely debilitating; however, it does not need to dominate your life. Before you can overcome the pain, you must understand the pain.

Pain is not something to laugh off. I have experienced pain I cannot describe, so I know how it feels when you are in so much pain, the type that won't allow you to function. Pain creates agony, and the pain can be overwhelming at this moment, making you feel there is no way out. Some people can become suicidal because they want to be free from the pain.

Chronic pain can affect your mental state and cause depression, leading to severe mental health. We need to be patient and kind to those going through excruciating pain because they might not be thinking. They want to be free from the pain, and they will do anything to be free.

You can control pain with your thought. It is not easy; the technique needs training. Every battle of life is in your mind. You are defeated in life if you cannot control the thoughts of your mind. How we view our pain and how it impacts our everyday life can alter how it affects us. The degree to which you can alleviate your pain depends on the type of pain you're experiencing and your technique.

It's first worth noting that not all kinds of pain can be tackled with our minds. However, acute and chronic pain can be addressed with your thoughts. There is a big emotional tie between pain and your thoughts; by altering your thoughts, you can alter the pain. Often, a person who experiences chronic pain will report that this pain becomes a part of their identity. Therapeutic techniques can alter how one views themselves as a person with pain. It can also alter how they view the limitations of their pain and its day-to-day impact.

Specific therapeutic techniques decrease the reports of pain or the intensity of pain. So, what are some of the methods or approaches? The techniques include cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing. These therapeutic techniques can be effective but don't erase the pain.

The concept of overcoming pain is not about eradicating the pain. Some pains won't go away, they become a part of your life, but you live above these pains as you won't allow the pain to define your life. You refused to allow the pain to detect how you live your life. The pain is a challenge, and you are determined to live above the challenge.

To live above the pain, you alter how the brain perceives pain, which can decrease reports of pain levels. You can also change how you view your identity as a person with chronic pain or alter the perception of the pain's impact on your everyday life. I am not saying this is easy, it isn't, and that's why I am talking about it. I am here to encourage you and ask you never to give up. I want you to have hope that things will get better because you will rise above the limitations and continue to live life on your terms.

It's all about your perception of pain. Mind-body therapies might be able to alleviate pain because pain involves both our minds and bodies. How you feel pain is influenced by your genetic makeup, emotions, personality, and lifestyle. Your experience also affects it. If you've been in pain for a while, your brain may have rewired itself to perceive pain signals even after the signs are not being sent anymore. You build a consciousness of pain and continue to feel pain even when there is no more pain.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a type of talk therapy that helps you become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking. It allows you to look at difficult situations more clearly and respond more effectively. CBT is the most common psychological intervention for people living with chronic pain.

CBT helps you to challenge and overcome automatic beliefs and use practical strategies to change or modify your behaviour. The result is more positive feelings, leading to more positive thoughts and behaviours. CBT focuses on how thoughts, feelings, and behaviours combine to influence a person's quality of life. CBT aims to teach people that it is possible to have control over their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

CBT focuses on changing unhelpful or unhealthy thoughts and behaviours. It is a combination of 2 therapies: 'cognitive therapy' and 'behaviour therapy. The basis of both these techniques is that healthy thoughts lead to healthy feelings and behaviours.

Relaxation, meditation, positive thinking, and other mind-body techniques can help reduce your need for pain medication. Drugs are very good at getting rid of pain, but they often have severe and unpleasant side effects when used for a long time. Research suggests that because pain involves both the mind and the body, mind-body therapies may have the capacity to alleviate pain by changing the way you perceive it.

The following techniques can help you take your mind off the pain and help override established pain signals.

1. Deep breathing. It's central to all the techniques, so deep breathing is the first to learn. Inhale deeply, hold for a few seconds, and exhale. To help you focus, you can use a word or phrase to guide you. For example, you may want to breathe in "peace" and breathe out "tension." There are also several apps for smartphones and tablets that use sound and images to help you maintain breathing rhythms.

2. Eliciting the relaxation response. An antidote to the stress response, which pumps up heart rate and puts the body's systems on high alert, the relaxation response turns down your body's reactions. After closing your eyes and relaxing all your muscles, concentrate on deep breathing. When thoughts break through, say "refresh," and return to the breathing repetition. Continue doing this for 10 to 20 minutes. Afterwards, sit quietly for a minute or two while your thoughts return. Then open your eyes and sit quietly for another minute.

3. Meditation with guided imagery. Begin deep breathing, paying attention to each breath. Then listen to calming music or imagine being in a restful environment. If you find your mind wandering, say "refresh" and call the image back into focus.

4. Mindfulness. Pick any activity you enjoy—reading poetry, walking in nature, gardening, or cooking—and become fully immersed in it. Notice every detail of your actions and how your senses and emotions respond. Practice bringing mindfulness to all aspects of your life.

5. Yoga and tai chi. These mind-body exercises incorporate breath control, meditation, and movements to stretch and strengthen muscles. Videos and apps can help you get started.

6. Positive thinking. Retaining your focus on what you can do instead of what you can't give you a more accurate view of yourself and the world.

You do not have the power to control the weather, but you can control how the weather affects you. Grow more substantial from the pain. Don't let it destroy you. You must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for your journey.


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