Sunday, 28 September 2014 06:53

The Necessity of Failing Featured

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Failure is the lack of success. Failure is the neglect or omission of expected or required action. There are lots of definitions of failure depending on the situation. Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success.

In this light so many see failure as a negative hence they are not open to embrace the lessons and profits that come with failing.

Failing is the act; failure is the end of the process. Because you failed does not mean you are a failure. You are a failure when you refused to take further action. Failure is a given in life; expecting to sail through without a hiccup is unrealistic and sets you up to fall harder when failure does happen. Avoiding failure also prevents you from focusing on gaining the resiliency needed to cope with it, a vital element of bouncing back. I have failed many times but I am not a failure. I still fail occasionally but I am not a failure.

Without failure you are not learning anything. For me I will advise you not to put too much pressure on you as you endeavour not to fail. The key is to learn from your mistakes and failures. The key is failing fast, failing cheap, and responding to those failures in a timely manner so you can learn quickly and still reach your objectives. Failure is critical to success and learning, and short feedback cycles are critical to the effective use of failure as a learning tool. Failure is not an option; it’s a requirement if you desire to reach success.

Stop pressurizing yourself because you failed in a project. The good news is you have another chance to nail it this time. Life as a whole is a gamble whether you believe it or not this is a fact. When was the last time you took a risk, stepped out of your comfort zone and experienced great uncertainty? You can’t control what life rolls in your direction. You can, however, control the way you respond. When you have the right systems and the right support, “failure” simply becomes “research.”  You can learn from your mistakes, leverage what others have done before you and take calculated risks to grow into your full potential.

It’s easy to conclude that teams should avoid failure at all cost. However, if you look at all the great innovation that’s occurred over the centuries, one pattern quickly emerges: failure played an integral role. We need to fail to learn. Failure helps us hone our skills much better than success.

I am not afraid to tell you that I have failed several times in the past and I still fail today but it is not the end of my life as I keep bouncing back, learning from the activities that made me fail and using it to gain later. I have learnt how to benefit from failing. My desire and passion here is to inspire you so you too can use your failures for good, to help others grow through their own hardships. You need to understand what it means to fail forward.

Just think of all the time Abraham Lincoln failed; he step up to a higher challenge and fail again and he continued in that trend until he became the President of the United States of America. What amuses me is the fact that he kept increasing his target. He refused to settle for less. He refused to think his goal was too much so he has to reduce his goals but rather he felt maybe his goal was too small so he increased it and went all the way for it. He finally proof doubters wrong when he became the sixteenth President of the United States of America.

From the actions of Abraham Lincoln we know that failure is not the same as failing. Failing is an opportunity to learn, to grow, and become better than we have been. To meet the needs of learners in the modern education environment, we must change the way we think about failing. Failing is the beginning of learning, not the end. Fail is a verb, failure is a noun. A failure is the result of the action of failing.

A verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen. A verb is a doing word. A verb can express a physical action, a mental action, or a state of being. A noun is a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things common noun, or to name a particular one of these proper noun. Everything we can see or talk about is represented by a word which names it.

To fail is a verb an action word which is progressive meaning it is not conclusive but you make it conclusive when you accept the state it is and then it becomes an entity, an individual and this is what a noun represents. What I am saying here is simply, because you fail does not mean you are a failure until you refuse to try and just give up. When you fail to try again then you are a failure. It doesn’t really matter if we interchange the word fail and failure so long you are determined not to give up and keep pushing. What matters most is the fact you refused to give up no matter the situation and condition, you keep searching and bouncing back.

Failure is not an option, is either a strong motivator for success or a sure fire way to sabotage your success. Nobody will go through life without failing, unless they perform perfectly in everything they set out to do. You can’t fail if you haven’t tried. If you’ve tried, then you have a goal and you are making an effort to achieve that goal. Failure is the first indicator of your next challenge to overcome. Failure is the result of that first push to try something you have never done before. Failure sets your sights high and shows that you are forcing true progression.

This may come as a surprise to you but it is the reality of life. If you want to succeed, you need to fail. Finding your limits and crushing them is important. Failure will set that limit and you will crush it through sequential attempts at success. You know what to do, now go out there and fail but fail fast and fail forward like Abraham Lincoln. Your failing should be progressive meaning you are advancing with it and not regressing. You are making valuable progress despite the fact that you failed. People may not see the progress when they look at you because it could be mental progress. You are stronger inside.

If you want to live authentically, do great things, and carve out your own path in life, then you’re going to fail. Accept it.  Expect it.  That doesn’t mean you give any less energy or effort to what matters to you in life.  But it does mean that it’s human to fail.  Success isn’t so much about learning how to avoid failure; it’s more about learning how to handle failure.  

There’s a difference between failing and being a failure. Everyone fails.  Successful people fail.  The people who seem like everything they touch turns to gold fail as well.  Often we hear about people who’ve succeeded long after they’ve trudged through all those failures along the way, so it can seem like their success came easily.  Perhaps the most important difference between failing and being a failure is that “failing” is just a setback/disappointment whereas “being a failure” is a mind-set. Always remember that failing is necessary if you want to be successful so when you fail embrace it and learn the lessons that will empower you to grow and become successful.


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