Sunday, 07 June 2020 05:42

Make It Happen.

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Is the Eureka moment something you have ever experienced in your life? The eureka effect is also known as the 'Aha' moment, and it refers to the human experience of suddenly understanding a previously tricky problem or concept. It is also when something suddenly works for you. It is when you see the solution to a problem. Something is beginning to make sense, and you can see clearly. Once you were blind, but not this time around. The roadmap is clear. You now know the obstacles on your way and how to navigate through.

Sunday, 03 May 2020 05:08

The Achievement Habit.

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Whoever told you it is easy to achieve anything you achieved in life? It is not, and this is the number one reason many people do not try to achieve their goals in life. Understanding the meaning and definition of achievement should teach you everything you need to know and why you should not give up no matter what. The definition of achievement is something that is accomplished, particularly by a great effort, courage, or special skills. Achievement is something accomplished by valour, boldness, or praiseworthy exertion, a feat. To achieve, you must first desire. You have a deep hunger, and you refuse to give up no matter what.

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