Life, as any seasoned soul knows, is a series of chapters. Some close with gentle whispers, their final sighs echoing softly in the quiet corners of our memories. Others, however, slam shut with abrupt finality, leaving behind a gaping hole in the fabric of our world.
Fear is nothing more than an impediment that stands in the way of progress. By overcoming your fears, you can move forward stronger and wiser within yourself.
The definition of a hustler is a person who is aggressively hard-working and knows how to get around problems.
Oh, my God! I have read countless times that there is no coincidence in life. Only the illusion of coincidence.
My life is a process cycle; therefore, I don't make new year's resolutions. I adopt the iterative life cycle process as I continue to develop toward my dreams, goals, and aspiration.
"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future" — John F Kennedy.