Sunday, 02 April 2017 06:25

The Compassionate Mind.

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If someone is suffering from hunger then it is more appropriate to provide nourishing food. If they are thirsty, provide them something to drink. If someone is in emotional pain bring your love and unconditional acceptance. Compassion is not the same as sharing an emotion. Compassion is

Sunday, 05 March 2017 07:47

Building Self Confidence.

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Self-confidence is the belief in oneself and abilities, it describes an internal state made up of what we think and feel about ourselves.

Sunday, 05 February 2017 04:53

Be Ready When Opportunity Knocks.

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The Scout Motto of the Scout movement, in various languages, has been used by millions of Scouts around the world since 1907. Most of the member organisations of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) share this same motto. I was a Boy Scout as a teenager