Sunday, 02 June 2019 07:32

You Are the Opportunity. Featured

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The word opportunity comes from the Latin term opportunitas, which is composed of two other terms: ob, meaning “toward”, and portus, meaning “port.”  This word came about in the realm of navigation, where sailors used the phrase ob portus to denote the best combination of wind,

current, and tide to sail to port. However, the only way to seize such weather conditions is as if the vessel’s captain had already sighted the port of destination. Knowing the weather conditions without knowing the destination was useless. Therefore, a ship was in a state of opportunitas when its captain had decided where to go and knew how to get there. Later, however, the word evolved in a different direction to denote only external conditions while excluding the individual who would seize them. — Luis E. Romero.

The concept here is the fact the sailors created the opportunity before they start the journey. They assume full responsibility for their actions as they build the kind of future they want. They understand the unexpected will happen, but they won’t allow the fear of the unknown to stop them. They will seize the unknown when it presents itself and use it to their advantage. You need this kind of mindset if you want to succeed in anything. Don’t allow fear to imprison you.

Opportunity is as an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do or the possibility of doing something. It is a chance to do something. Merriam-Webster dictionary describes opportunity as a favourable juncture of circumstances; an excellent coincidental for advancement and progress in one’s life. The Business Dictionary defines it as an exploitable set of circumstances with an uncertain outcome, requiring a commitment of resources and involving exposure to risk.

Extracted from the Free Dictionary, the synonyms of the word opportunity include opportunity, occasion, opening, chance, and break. These nouns refer to a favourable or advantageous circumstance or combination of elements. Occasion suggests the proper time for an action or purpose. An opening is an opportunity to afford a good possibility of success. Chance often implies an opportunity that arises through luck or accident: Meeting each other at the coffee shop was a chance for us to chat. A break is an often sudden piece of luck, especially good luck: The aspiring actor got his first big break in Hollywood.

Is the opportunity given to you or, is it something you gave yourself? Does the opportunity present itself to you? Does the opportunity happen when you make yourself present? Or, is it hidden within you? You are the opportunity you are waiting for in life. Opportunity is in your DNA. You are an opportunity.

The opportunity you are waiting for is you. You are the opportunity you are waiting to take. It is happening right now. There will be nothing more significant than this moment. The opportunity you have now is that opportunity long expected. Stop waiting or looking around for a chance; this is the chance. Stop waiting for the perfect condition. There is no ideal time. If you wait for the perfect time – procrastinate, you will never get anything done.

The reason you are not taking this moment as an opportunity is that you concentrate on the negatives instead of the positive. It is true you are going through some hard times. I want to assure you the opportunity is part of the challenges. Everyone in life faces different challenges, and every challenge has a solution. There is no problem that is bigger than you. Some issues are there for your promotion. Challenges create change. There is a change coming to you, but you have resisted the change because of your fear of the unknown.

It is time to stop behaving like the whole world is against you because of the challenges you’re fighting to overcome. There is no easy street. You are not created for an easy life because you are more than a conqueror. You cannot conquer with a battle. You cannot win the battle without preparations. The moment you have no plan, you have a plan to fail. Life is not meant to be easy. Life is a challenge, and there are times the problem is severe, neck-breaking, and deadly to navigate. Like the sailors, you need to find a way to navigate through the crazy storm.

You have all the opportunities in life to improve continuously and achieve what you are capable of attaining. Stop allowing challenges to bring you down. You must keep pushing forward. The way you see your difficulties is as a result of your perception. You must turn each challenge into a lesson, one that builds your strength. Don’t be scared. Do scary things and challenge yourself. Every crisis is an opportunity to grow stronger. You are not in control when stuff happens, but you have the power to control how you react.

The way you see things matters. Stop complaining about not having opportunities to do the things you want to do. I am analysing your life, and I am happy to inform you there are more than a million opportunities around you. Stop the blindness and see. I am not discarding the fact you’re genuinely going through an unexpected change, chaos, confusion, inconsistencies, ambiguity, and uncertainty. You are indeed going through a lot, but I want to remind you that opportunities arise from a wide range of situations, challenges, and circumstances in life, including change, chaos, confusion, inconsistencies, ambiguity, uncertainty— this is all you’re going through now. Focus your search on the areas where you are breaking when looking for the next big thing; there lies the opportunity.

There is an opportunity in every danger you face. You might be hungry and have no food to eat. I tell you the truth, and I am not patronising you. There is an opportunity in your hunger, anger, thirst, and lack. Now you must stop yourself from seeing the danger in every occasion in your life. You must be optimistic and instead, view opportunities in every threat. The opportunity will not fall into your lap. You must have the right mentality to source out opportunity in the most awkward situations. You must put yourself out there, be conscious, and expect opportunities no matter where you are or what the case is.

Necessity is the mother of invention. Find opportunities in your needs. One of the reasons you miss opportunities is because you stop paying attention. Be attentive and give attention to the details. Every day opportunity is right in your face. You are too busy complaining about hardship and blinded to what is in front of you. You’re too busy to think. Stop and take a break. Give yourself time to think, and you will see how incredible your thoughts are. You miss opportunity because it dresses like work. You need to start taking your chance. If you don’t try, how would you succeed? You fail anytime you don’t try.

To live above the majority, you must stop following the crowd. To realise the success you desire, you must see what the majority of people cannot see.


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