Sunday, 03 May 2020 05:08

The Achievement Habit. Featured

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Whoever told you it is easy to achieve anything you achieved in life? It is not, and this is the number one reason many people do not try to achieve their goals in life. Understanding the meaning and definition of achievement should teach you everything you need to know and why you should not give up no matter what. The definition of achievement is something that is accomplished, particularly by a great effort, courage, or special skills. Achievement is something accomplished by valour, boldness, or praiseworthy exertion, a feat. To achieve, you must first desire. You have a deep hunger, and you refuse to give up no matter what.

You need effort, courage, or special skill to achieve your endeavours. The dream cannot be realised if you do not put in the required effort. Effort is a vigorous or determined attempt. An effort is not an accident; it is determined. You know, you understand the consequences, you know it is not easy, but you are going all out to get it done. You are determined that no matter what, you will do the necessary things that will enable you to achieve your goals. An effort is not easy. If anyone ever told you it would be easy, they lied. Without effort, life loses its challenge and becomes dull. Survival is an effort. An effort is a measure of how hard you are willing to work on something.

Effort is everything. Everything you or your body does is an effort at some scale. Remove all effort, and you do nothing except die. Everything worth doing in life is an effort, and it is that effort that brings the later rewards of accomplishment. The next word is courage or special skill. I would like to look at both words separately because they make a big deal. Courage, bravery, valour, bravado refers to qualities of spirit and conduct. The word courage permits you to face extreme dangers and difficulties without being afraid. Bravery implies real courage with daring and an intrepid boldness. The ability to do something that frightens you is courage.

To be courageous, you need to believe in yourself. It means to achieve anything you desire; you need self-belief. A courageous person knows who he or she is, and what they stand for because they have strong values, recognise their capabilities, and are confident in meeting the challenges they encounter in life. They are passionate and purpose-driven. To do great work, you must be focused, courageous and exercise resilience. These are the three attributes you need to succeed. But at the forefront is courage. Courage is the most essential of all the virtues, because, without courage, you cannot practice any other virtue consistently.

It's one thing to know what to do; it's another thing altogether to have the heart to step out and do it, knowing that that very act might create some resistance, some upset, some confusion. That is courage. People come to me all the time with their issues, most pressing problems. I ask them to tell me what their issues or problems are, I take note if it is in any one of my counselling sections. After they have stopped talking, I make their story mine, or I attribute it to someone else I know that have a similar kind of story. Then there is a role play they never saw coming. I tell them I need their advice for an issue that is troubling me or in some instance, an imaginary persona with a name.

More than nine out of ten, they gave me the most detailed advice I could have imagined. Then I bring to their knowledge the fact they have the answers to their issues, problems, challenges, obstacles, etc. They lack the courage to take the necessary action. Because of the lack of sufficient courage, the brain releases the intense emotions of fear through a separate channel that has nothing to do with the original problem. My role is to motivate these people and build their faith so they can rise and deal with fear. I make them know how much I believe in them. When courage is lacking, opportunities for innovation, creativity and joy are missed.

You need special skill. A reasonable way to describe soft skills is to call them "people skills" or "social skills." They are special skills like communication skills, relationship building, management skills, and creativity. Skill is the ability to use your knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance. Skill is the dexterity or coordination, especially in the execution of learning physical tasks. It is also a learned power of doing something competently. Upgrading your skills increases your chances of succeeding. You know what mission you are chasing; you need the right set of skills to accomplish the task. You should spend time to analyse so you can list out the skills you need and develop the ones you lack. Improve the skills you already have on your list.

Habits are the reward of self-improvement. You need the right habit to succeed in life. The compound interest of self-improvement is a habit, and the compound interest increases exponentially by multiplication. The effect of your habit multiplies as you practice and repeat these habits. It same goes with either a good or a bad habit. You need to be careful not to exhibit a bad habit because it will multiply and give you the kind of result that is not productive. Habits make a difference in your life because of the degree of impact they have in your life. Habits grow, and with time they become enormous and powerful.

The word habit from Merrian-Webster dictionary most often refers to a usual way of behaving or a tendency that someone has settled in, as in good eating habits. A habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. Habit is a  routine or practice performed periodically. Habit is an automatic response to a specific situation. A habit has incredible atomic power.

The Achievement Habit is about closing the disparity between what you want and what you do. Most times, you know what to do, but you lack the guts, the courage to do it. Anyone can become an achiever. But first, you must learn how to do and not wishing. Lots of people dream of starting their own company and still end up working for someone else because it takes courage. You can learn to close the disparity between what you want to do and what gets done.

There is a fundamental difference between trying and doing. You are the only obstacle you have in life. Stop making excuses. You can change any aspect of your life. Life is an exercise in problem-solving – and that is not a bad thing. Problems present to you the opportunities to learn and progress. Learn how to use problems to your advantage. You cannot become an achiever if you continue to assign a fixed meaning to everything in your life. Take control of your life and achieve your dream. The best way to solve a problem is by reframing your perspective on the issue.


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