Sunday, 04 August 2019 11:57

Become the Master of Fear.

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The feeling of dread, panic, fear, fright, and alarm can all have the same effect. A bigger pupil bullied me in school. Anytime I see this student; I have acute fear. The fear gives me a sharp pain in my stomach. I feel faint. The feeling is not pleasant. I feel completely lost and out of control. I tremble inside. The bully can smell my fear from far and took pleasure in tormenting me. I was scared to death. I break down every time he looks at me. I see nothing else. My legs feel like giving up. There is no strength. I tremble and feel weak and sick.

Sunday, 07 July 2019 08:40

Defining Your Personal Brand.

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The world is going crazy with social media. People are no longer who they say they are. They pretend and try to be someone else. We have too many photocopies. There is no way you can showcase the best you are if you are a carbon copy. Humans are unique; they like what is unique and original, so they will instead go for the original, and not a photocopy. You must learn how to be you and be the best version of you. There is the norm today in our society. You cannot be outstanding in your career if you are just like everyone else.

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